Thursday, 19 July 2018

Why Is It That Men Seek A Role Play Escort?

Many men are looking for a role play escort London, and it is true that some people wonder why on earth they would do that. There could be a number of reasons, but one of them may be to do with the sheer hectic pressure of life in the 21st century. 

It is a fact, that despite what used to be called “women’s lib” which has resulted in women becoming more and more involved in top jobs, there is still a balance in favour of men. Yes, there are women managing directors and CEOs, but they are still outnumbered by men. Historically, the man was always the breadwinner while the wife stayed at home and looked after the kids. You might think that a perfectly reasonable scenario, or you might not. 

Possible Reasons Why Men Feel The Need To Be Dominated

It is surprising to the average man in the street just how many men actually look for a dominatrix for hire. Why on earth would a man want to be chained up and beaten with whips and canes for pleasure?

Yet it is a fact that many men do. Indeed, one report suggested that more than 50% of men enjoy it. While some might regard it as a perversion, the simple truth is that many men feel that in day to day life they have to be the dominant person in everything and they need a change from it. This may derive from the time that we all lived in caves. The woman stayed in the cave and looked after the children while the man went out hunting. The man took all the risks, and was therefore dominant. 

Men have also been physically bigger and stronger than women – not always, but for the majority – and thus are dominant on that score too. You can still see this sort of attitude on every street in the summer: “big” men on very loud motorcycles, revving their engines for no apparent reason other than to say “Look at me. I’m tough. I’m important. I’m a MAN!” (As an aside, if you did that in a car you would get nicked before the next set of traffic lights).

So maybe it is the case that these “big” men who feel the need to show off also feel the need to take a rest sometimes and downplay themselves, and hence go looking for a dominatrix for hire. Just for once, they can be the submissive partner and play the role that is traditionally that of the woman. (One should note that today that has changed significantly, with many businesses having women in the dominant role, but that has only taken place in the last 30 or 40 years).

Seeking a dominatrix for hire and becoming submissive for an hour or two may just be the kind of thing that many men feel they need in order to be able to relax – even though it involves pain and degradation.